Premium Psilocybin Mushroom Products and Experiences

The Magic of Our Mushrooms

For centuries, cultures around the world have cherished psilocybin mushrooms for their transformative healing and spiritual properties. At Cosmic, we fuse this ancient wisdom with modern technology to bring you unique, premium experiences intended to empower, harmonize and illuminate the true beauty and purpose of your life.

Founded in 2018, Cosmic Mushrooms holds the distinction of being Jamaica’s first-ever psilocybin mushroom enterprise. Our goal is to make an impact and substantial improvement into your life and into our sociocultural fabric.

Mushroom with Blue Tint

Rediscovery. Reconnection.

When we were children, comparatively, life seemed to have had a certain lustre—a joie de vivre that faded as we grew, dulled by life’s inevitable disappointments. As adults, we often find that a rust has formed over our youthful lens, dulling our view of the world’s inherent beauty and potential.

At Cosmic, we believe the vibrant spirit of our childhood still exists within us. We aim to wash away the corrosion obscuring it and reveal the beauty hiding in plain sight within ourselves and the world around us. We are powerful beings, brimming with love and creativity.

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."

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Cosmic is not just a name; it's an experience. Our products are designed visually and substantially to impress upon your mind the unique, cosmic experience available to you. We use edible Stardust™ and vibrant colours to spark the imagination and prime the subconscious for the magical experience.
Exceptional Customer Service
We are dedicated to providing the best customer service Jamaica has to offer. Not just service, but personalized experiences. Whether you're a returning customer or trying our products for the first time, we ensure your journey with us is smooth, informative, and above all, personal.
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High-Quality Standards
Adhering to the highest quality standards in the industry, following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). This commitment ensures that every product you enjoy is safe, consistent, and of the highest quality.
Government Approved
Cosmic is at the forefront of the psilocybin industry in Jamaica, working closely with government bodies to standardize and regulate the market. Our government-affiliated status not only ensures compliance and safety but also positions us as a trusted leader in the field.
Press Release
100% Jamaican Owned and Operated
100% Jamaican owned and operated, deeply rooted in the local culture and economy. We take pride in our heritage and contribute to the growth of our community. Our local ownership ensures that every purchase supports Jamaican entrepreneurship and innovation.
Meet The Team
Islandwide Delivery
Fast, reliable islandwide delivery. Whether you're in the streets of Kingston, the tranquil beaches of Negril or anywhere in between, our delivery service ensures that you can enjoy the Cosmic experience anywhere.
See Our Rates
Comprehensive Educational Resources
Empowering our customers through education. We offer a wealth of free educational materials, available both online and with each purchase. These resources cover everything from the safe usage of psilocybin to its therapeutic benefits and the science behind our products. By educating our customers, we ensure they are informed, confident, and prepared to fully enjoy the benefits of psilocybin in a safe and responsible manner.
Precise Dosage Control
Each of our products is crafted with precise dosages. Each customer can expect consistent effects and a reliable experience every time they choose Cosmic. Our precision provides peace of mind to those exploring the benefits of psilocybin, whether for therapeutic purposes or personal discovery.
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Ideal For Those Seeking

Do you desire any of the following?


Ease into a calmer state of mind, for unwinding after a long day.


Unlock your creative potential and explore new, innovative ideas.


Sharpen your concentration, enhance your productivity at work or studies.


Deepen your spiritual connection and personal enlightenment.


Feel more at peace in social settings and day-to-day.


Alleviate feelings of depression and elevate your mood.


Cultivate a greater presence and awareness of the here and now.


Build resilience against daily stressors, for a healthier lifestyle.


Boost your physical energy and endurance, enabling more effective workouts.


Enhance mental clarity and support cognitive health through neurogenesis.


Enhance your emotional and physical connection, deepening intimacy and revitalizing your sexual experiences.


Achieve greater emotional equilibrium and resilience in facing life's ups and downs.


Foster deeper social connections and enhance your empathy and understanding.


Improve your sleep quality, helping you to wake up feeling refreshed.


Facilitate your journey to overcome addiction, reclaim control over your life.


Promote personal development and growth, helping you reach your fullest potential.

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